Notes from Jo: Your Client Doesn't Owe You Anything


Your client does not owe you anything. Not a damn thing. How many times have you thought to yourself "they have been buying from me for years." "I helped them through so many rushes". "They love me!" Maybe they do, but they don't owe you anything. Loyalty is great and all but have you ever made a move that would benefit you, or your team and maybe even your entire organization? I have--I’m sure you have too. So have your clients... you are one benefit away from losing them. 

Are you working hard to keep your clients engaged and happy? How often? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Are you working hard to bring in new business and forgetting about your current pipeline? Staying relevant and fresh in this industry is hard but you can do it. I see you hustling. I see your motivation. I see your grit and passion for all things promo. Does your client see it too? Do they know how much you value the opportunities that they give you?

I challenge you to stop what you are doing and think of 5 clients you could and should be better for. How can you make an impact on them today? How can you make them smile? How can you stay relevant to them? Think hard and act fast because your client just asked me to quote their company program. They asked me to quote it because I reached out. I checked in. I showed them something they wanted and needed to see, and I showed that I care about their brand. 

Don't let yourself get too comfortable, friends. It is going to be a wild year and no one owes you anything. Reach out to your key suppliers and ask for help. It may be visuals or storyboards or specs. Lean on them. Grow with them and let them help you fight for your clients. Take advantage of all the available offers and promotions for your clients. Stop filing them for a rainy day. The time to dig your heels in and fight is now. Go get it!