Volunteering Blog: Volunteering from Danny

Society measures a decent life by how big your home is, your fast car and fancy pants clothes. We spend too much time trying to gain things we think we need. Life needs to be measured by who we are, how we treat people, our attitudes and kindness. We need to start looking out for each other as well as ourselves.

And I can’t think of a better path to get there than volunteerism. Consider your core values and volunteer for causes that align. Purposeful volunteerism is contagious. So be a multiplier and invite friends, family and customers to join you. And remember that volunteerism can be fun, and fun is contagious too.

Volunteerism also delivers a sense of belonging and community. As Hunter S. Thompson said, “Buy the ticket. Take the ride.” So, raise your hand high and volunteer with intent. And remember to give before you take. Show before you say. Do the work of the heart. And, if you are lucky, your passions and your day job will coexist. And your efforts will positively ripple into lives of people you may never meet. And that is the stuff of legacy.

Danny Rosin

Organization List:

  • Band Together

  • A Place at The Table

  • Harvard 100

  • The American Marketing Association

  • PromoCares

  • Operation Smile