Special Announcement: PromoKitchen Community Help

PK Family,

We want to acknowledge that these are times of uncertainty. While none of us can control the situation we do know what we can do to keep ourselves safe, healthy and happy. Keep washing your hands. Do not go out if you are sick! Continue to educate your clients and your colleagues. Be cool and stay informed by following the CDC's protocols and updates. We want to take this time to remind you that you can count on your PromoKitchen community.

To help you stay informed, here’s a collection of articles we think could help:

 CDC steps to prevent illness

 Disaster Preparedness Primer for the Promo Industry- written by Bobby Lehew /commonsku

  World Health Org- Q&A

It is important to set up and allow for staff to work from home. Telecommuting or allowing people to work from home during self quarantine times is a great way to create the societal separation that a lot of health authorities are recommending. Does your work allow telecommuting and if they do, do you have a policy around how it is regulated and tracked? This could be a good time to implement a policy if you don’t have one. While some businesses cannot allow people to stay home for extended periods of time, you could also potentially offer people to work a rotating shift, ie. Come to work after hours or work at night. We are used to working when other people at work, but having rotating shifts is a great way to limit contact among people.

We have prepared a virtual 'Work from home survival kit". Let us help you keep your days fresh (and clean).

Step 1. Queue up those podcasts! May we suggest PromoKitchen’s podcast? We have amazing content. Catch up on our latest and greatest podcasts. Our topics range from mergers to bad asses to apparel topics galore. Tune in and subscribe for exciting topics.

 Step 2. Stay connected to your peers with Zoom, Skype and social media. Chat with your promochat peeps. Want to be part of fun conversations with industry folks? Join us on twitter every Wednesday at 3 eastern and follow along via #promochat. We have some interesting discussions and zero germs!

Step 3. Remember to take care of yourself and diet! Here are some great tips on healthy eating at home.

Step 4. Check out these tips from FORBES on WFH

Step 5. Power up! Now is the time to make sure you have a good wireless mouse, charger, laptop and noise cancelling headphones.

Step 6.  Get up and stretch! Move your body, there are some great tips here.

Step 7. Check out our amazing E BOOK, Thrive with Mentors

​Step 8. Learn about Flattening the Curve here. 

Step ​9​. Sign up to be a mentor or mentee and help build our community. Now is the time to lift and empower each other. Our volunteer mentor program is a 6 month commitment where you will be strategically paired with a mentor or mentee. We all have so much knowledge to share.


We will continue to update our Instagram, Linked in, Twitter and Facebook with new content and industry news. Follow along with us, we are in this together! While we ride this wave with you we want to remind you that we care about you. We want you to be safe and to be educated. So much of what we do is virtual and we love being part of your day. We hope we can make these uncertain times easier for you, one podcast at a time.


 PromoKitchen team